Printable Lesson Plan on Understanding Integers
Lesson Title:Understanding Integers
Lesson Objective: Students will be able to understand the concept of integers and be able to perform basic operations with them.
Introduction (10 minutes): Begin the lesson by asking the students if they know what the word “integer” means. Explain that an integer is a whole number, either positive or negative. Write the number 0 on the board and ask the students if it is an integer. (Yes, it is an integer.) Write the number -5 on the board and ask the students if it is an integer. (Yes, it is an integer.)
Direct Instruction (20 minutes): Using the number line or integer chips, demonstrate how to compare integers. Write the integers -3 and -5 on the board and show how to compare them by using the greater than (>), less than (<), or equal to (=) signs. Explain that when the number on the left side of the sign is greater than the number on the right side of the sign, the sign is >; when the number on the left side of the sign is less than the number on the right side of the sign, the sign is <; when the number on the left side of the sign is equal to the number on the right side of the sign, the sign is =.
Guided Practice (20 minutes): Distribute the worksheets and have the students practice comparing integers on their own. Walk around the room and assist as needed.
Independent Practice (20 minutes): Provide the students with a set of integers and have them perform basic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Closure (10 minutes): Have the students share one thing they learned about integers during the lesson.
Assessment: Monitor the students during independent practice and provide feedback. Collect and grade the worksheets for accuracy.