Decimal Number Illustrated free online Math quizzes
Decimal numbers for kids
A decimal number is a way of writing a number that is based on the number 10. The word “decimal” comes from the Latin word “decimus,” which means “tenth.”
A decimal number is made up of two parts: a whole number part and a decimal part. The whole number part is the number to the left of the decimal point, and the decimal part is the number to the right of the decimal point.
For example, the decimal number 4.56 has a whole number part of 4 and a decimal part of 56. The decimal point separates the whole number part from the decimal part.
The decimal part is always written as a fraction of the number 1. So, in the example above, 56 is written as 56/100, which is the same as 0.56.
Decimal numbers can be used to write numbers that are between whole numbers, such as 3.5, which is between 3 and 4. They can also be used to write very large or very small numbers, such as 3.14159265358979323846 (which is the decimal representation of pi).
Here’s an example of how to use decimal numbers in math problems:
Suppose you want to buy a toy that costs $4.99. You give the cashier a $5 bill and they give you 1 cent in change.
The total cost of the toy is 4.99, and you gave the cashier 5.00, so your change is 5.00 – 4.99 = 0.01
In this way decimal numbers can be used in everyday purchase and also in scientific or engineering calculations.
It’s also good to know that decimal numbers can also be converted to fractions and vice-versa using some simple math operations.
In summary, decimal numbers are a way to write numbers that are based on the number 10 and are made up of a whole number part and a decimal part. They are useful for writing numbers that are between whole numbers and very large or very small numbers. Understanding decimal number representation and how to operate with them is fundamental for everyday math and also in various fields such as science, engineering and finance.