
Convert fractions to decimals pirate game

Fraction as a decimal

Pirate math game on fraction as a decimal – This is an exciting game with multiple choice math problems. It can be played by one or two students. When a question pops up, choice the correct answer and keep doing the same. If you answer incorrectly, your ship is shot by the pirate. The player with the most damaged ship ends up sinking and being eaten up by the sharks. Math is fun!

Representing fractions as a decimal value math game for children

In this math game, children will learn about representing fractions as a decimal value. Cool math games of the sort integrate an interactive math quiz component and a fun part involving pirates shooting at sea. This game in being an interactive online math activity makes it easy for use by parents and teachers at home or in the classroom. Pirate games could also be a great idea for the Halloween. Why not make fractions4kids your math playground. Remember to print out more worksheets and test your skills offline. For kids in 4th, 5th, 6th, & 7th grades.