Identify fractions game, worksheet, quiz, flash card.
Fractions tell us about parts of a whole. These parts are usually split up in equal parts and for this exercise some are shaded and you are asked to find the shaded portion. The shaded parts tell us the numerator; simply count them and write as the numerator. The denominator is the total number of parts in the shape and is written below. This activity is for children in 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade and 5th grade. This activity page contains fraction game, quiz, worksheet and flash cards.

Identifying fractions
Learn Identifying fractions with this fraction flash cards.
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Identifying fractions
Learn Identifying fractions with this fraction worksheets.
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Learning fractions can be difficult for students of all ages. That’s why these activities are designed to offer a visual companion to the fraction learning process. The activities in this section improve students’ understanding of fractions and visual data. A quiz, set of flashcards and worksheet are included for study material. Remember, when finding fractions, you need to identify the numerator and denominator. We encourage parents and educators to print out and share these materials to help students’ better understand fractional word problems.