Fractions vocabulary and expressions – worksheets, games, quizzes, flash cards.
Learn vocabulary related to fractions by looking at the activities on this page. Children will learn fractions vocabulary like fourths, tenths, halves etc. There are also activities to show how fractions are read e.g. 2/3 = two thirds, 3/4 = three quarters etc. Children will also learn about the numerator and denominators in fractions while looking at names of specific fractions. This math activity is for children in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th grade.

Fractions vocabulary and expressions
Learn Fractions vocabulary and expressions with these fraction quiz.
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Fractions vocabulary and expressions
Learn Fractions vocabulary and expressions with this fraction flash cards.
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Fractions vocabulary and expressions
Learn Fractions vocabulary and expressions with this fraction worksheets.
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The Language of Fractions
Sometimes the hardest part about learning fractions is understanding the right vocabulary and expressions. That’s why these quizzes, flashcards and worksheets are designed to teach students the correct terms and expressions when working with fractions. Kids will learn words like denominator, nominator, 2/3 and other expressions. Remember, when learning about fractions knowing the vocabulary will make understanding the concepts much easier. We encourage you to share these resources at home and in the classroom for a better fraction learning experience.