Fractions in a mixed group of dots, games, worksheets, quizzes, flash cards.
Learn how to find fractions in a mixed group of dots. In this case, the dots have different colors and kids are expected to find what fraction is represented by each set of color for the dots. This math activity is suitable for children in 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade and 5th grade. This page is contains a fraction test, games, worksheets and printable fraction cards.

Fractions in a mixed group of dots
Learn Fractions in a mixed group of dots with this fraction quiz.
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Fractions in a mixed group of dots
Learn Fractions in a mixed group of dots with this fraction flash cards.
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Fractions in a mixed group of dots
Learn Fractions in a mixed group of dots with this fraction worksheets.
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“Fractions and Colored Dots”
The quiz, flashcards and worksheets in this section challenges students to find fractions from a group of colored dots. In these activities kids are expected to identify individual colors and find the fractional value. The exercises will improve your child’s visual recognition, understanding of fractions and problem solving skills. Remember, when finding fractions in a mixed group of dots, you need to identify individual parts. Please feel free to print and share these materials at home and in the classroom. These activities are meant for children in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th grades.