Fraction word problems , game, quiz, worksheets and flash card.
Practice applied fractions with this fraction word problems activity page. On this page there are resources to learn how fractions are applied to daily life like work done, shopping, time, household space, days in a year etc. This page contains math activities for 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th and 6th grade children. There are fraction cards, worksheets, games and quizzes for more practice.

Fraction word problem
Learn Fraction word problem with this fraction flash cards.
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Fraction word problems
Learn Fraction word problems with this fraction worksheets.
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We know word problems can be a challenge. That’s why we’ve provided these fun resources to help teach students how to find fractions from a word problem. The simple words and concepts make these activities more about the fractions than tricky word games. The activities in this section will improve your students’ ability to solve word problems and understand the relationship between fractions and conceptual values. Remember, when solving a word problem you need to first identify the question before finding the answer. We encourage parents and educators to print out and share these materials to help students’ better understand fractional word problems. These materials are best used in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grades.