Dividing by fractions game, worksheet, quiz, flash card
Learn how to divide a fraction with resources on this page : fraction worksheet, game, quiz, flash card. This activity is suitable for 3nd, 4th, 5th and 6th graders.

Dividing fractions moonshoot game
Learn Dividing fractions moonshoot game with these fraction games.
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Dividing fractions pirate game
Learn Dividing fractions pirate game with these fraction games.
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Dividing fractions rally game
Learn Dividing fractions rally game with these fraction games.
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Dividing fractions catapult game
Learn Dividing fractions catapult game with these fraction games.
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Race Rally Cars, Shoot for the Moon or print out the dividing fractions worksheets in this section. Dividing fractions challenges kids to divide simple fractions in order to gain a better understanding of division, denominators and numerators. Remember when dividing fractions to multiply the numerator by the reciprocal of the fractions and simplify. To double check your work, multiply your answer with the divisor and check to see if it matches the dividend. To get the reciprocal turn the fraction upside down. Multiplying the numerator by the reciprocal finds a common denominator for dividing. Be sure to print these out for home use or to play along in the classroom. These materials are suited for children in 3rd to 6th grades.