Reasons why students sleep in class
Students sleep in class due to several factors that may originate…
June 15, 2017/by fractions4kidsHOW TO LEARN A NEW LANGUAGE FAST
Sіnсе ѕоmе tіmе ago, people are bесоmіng іnсrеаѕіnglу…
February 10, 2019/by fractions4kidsGetting Your Child to Listen and Follow Directions
Within the classroom, it is important for students to follow…
February 26, 2019/by fractions4kidsWhat if Your Child Doesn’t Listen?
Sometimes, it can be hard to get a child to listen. Fathers especially…
February 26, 2019/by fractions4kidsHome Schooling Advantages and Disadvantages
Homeschooling in America is a growing trend. At last count there…
June 15, 2017/by fractions4kidsWhy Tablets should not replace text books in schools
In today's digital age and with every child ( sometimes even…
June 15, 2017/by fractions4kidsWhy Kids Get Depressed at School
Depression (officially known as major depressive disorder) is…
February 26, 2019/by fractions4kidsMother’s Day Activities for Primary School
Mother’s Day is an awesome opportunity for fun classroom activities.…
Teaching in New York is an unrivaled opportunity to immerse every…
February 10, 2019/by fractions4kidsImportance of teaching critical thinking skills in the classroom
Critical thinking has become an essential skill in today's world.Students…
July 5, 2017/by fractions4kidsWhy Kids in France Are Not Medicated For ADHD
ADHD is an acronym for a common children's mental disorder called…
August 30, 2017/by fractions4kidsHow should parents react to a bad report card
As parents, we all want our children to perform well in every…
June 15, 2017/by fractions4kids
Use of technology in classroom management
Technology has greatly transformed the way classroom management…
March 2, 2023/by fractions4kidsList of Disruptive Classroom Behavior
Disruptive Behavior is when a student acts in a way that is …
June 15, 2017/by fractions4kids16 Quiz Questions That Can Be Used To Guess Your Level of Education
Education is the action or process of learning. It is equally…
As a new teacher, you may find that some of your lesson plans…
February 10, 2019/by fractions4kidsHow to reduce exam fear in kids
For many children the word exam or test is a very stressful word.…
June 15, 2017/by fractions4kidsHow to discipline a teenager getting bad grades
When your teen brings home a bad report card, the first reaction…
June 15, 2017/by fractions4kids10 back to school teacher ideas for the classroom
Although the dates are often known, going back to school still…
August 30, 2017/by fractions4kids
Clearly define and communicate learning objectives in classroom
To clearly define and communicate learning objectives in a classroom,…
March 2, 2023/by fractions4kidsHow the age of parents may affect children
There are many factors that affect how a child grows up. However…
July 5, 2017/by fractions4kidsFun ways to teach math word problems
Math word problems are loved by a few and hated by many. A fun…
June 15, 2017/by fractions4kidsTeaching gifted students in an inclusive classroom
When a student’s talent or ‘gift’ is identified, it should…
February 26, 2019/by fractions4kidsFive Warm Up Activities before a class (K12)
When students first enter your classroom it is important to initiate…
June 15, 2017/by fractions4kidsHow to engage children and make a boring lesson exciting
It is very important that children while at school are able to…
June 15, 2017/by fractions4kidsWAYS TO USE TЕСHNОLОGУ IN THЕ CLАЅЅRООM
Tесhnоlоgу is revolutionizing thе wау Amеrісаnѕ…
February 10, 2019/by fractions4kidsWhy Home Schooling is a bad idea
More and more parents seem to be deciding that homeschooling…
June 15, 2017/by fractions4kidsHow to Teach a Disruptive Class
It’s hard to teach a class when the students are uncooperative.…
Studies have shown that the most critical period of a child's…
February 10, 2019/by fractions4kids
Managing disruptive behavior in a diverse classroom
Managing disruptive behavior in a diverse classroom can be a…
March 2, 2023/by fractions4kidsReasons why changing to 4-Day School weeks in a good idea
The idea of shortening the school week to four days is a new…
February 26, 2019/by fractions4kidsBest Educational Toys for Six Year Old’s
If the Christmas season is closing in or if your favorite five…
June 15, 2017/by fractions4kidsWhy teenagers are embarrassed by their parents
As teenagers grow up and head towards adulthood they will want…
July 5, 2017/by fractions4kidsBest teaching methods for kindergarten
Kindergarten is the second place after home where children spend…
June 15, 2017/by fractions4kidsHow to get students to listen without yelling
Whether you are frustrated with a not so cute class of 6 years…
June 15, 2017/by fractions4kidsWhy it is important to wear school uniforms
Whilst a few public schools in America had uniforms in the 1980’s…
July 5, 2017/by fractions4kidsTeaching Strategies For Kids With Adhd
As a teacher the chances are you can already point out the children…
June 15, 2017/by fractions4kidsWhy Dance Class is Just as Important as Math Class
In artistic circles, an anonymous quote has been making the rounds:…
February 26, 2019/by fractions4kids
Enrolment and registration in schools
Enrolment and registration are the first steps in a student's…
March 10, 2023/by fractions4kidsDealing with difficult students in the classroom
For a teacher dealing with difficult students in a class can…
June 15, 2017/by fractions4kidsConcerns about homeschooled kids from the US
The former U.S secretary of Education John B. King had previously…
August 30, 2017/by fractions4kidsAdvantages of Private Schools over Public Schools
According to the National Center for Education Studies approx…
June 15, 2017/by fractions4kidsHow To Get Your Kindergartner To Do Homework
When a teacher sets homework it is usually to help children remember…
June 15, 2017/by fractions4kidsStrategies for dealing with challenging behavior in the classroom
Every class has those children who will habitually disrupt a…
June 15, 2017/by fractions4kids